When having a lot of users, managing settings and permissions for each of them quickly becomes a headache.
This is why user groups exist.
With groups, you set the permissions and settings of a certain user profile once and for all.
Then, each time you create a new user, simply assign them to the appropriate group(s).
And when you will create a private album, you won't need to list all users who have access to it, but simply the list of groups.
Creating a new user group
To access the user group list, go to the administration, in the Users > Groups menu.
The screen shows the user groups in the form of tiles, lets you edit them, and create groups.
To create a group, click on "Add group" on the group management screen.
Next, you need to give your group a name: it is then created.
By hovering the mouse over your group, you have two options available:
- Manage members
- Manage permissions
Assigning users to a group
To add users to a group from the "Groups" screen, hover the mouse over the group and click on "Manage the members".
A window opens, allowing you to choose the users to assign to this group.
To assign a user, select it in the list and click on the orange icon.
Keep going for as long as you want. The list of users assigned to the group is shown at the bottom of the window. If you make a mistake, you can remove them from the group.
If you prefer, you can also go through the list of users to assign them to a group. This way, you can assign each user manually to one or more groups, or assign users to groups in bulk via selection mode.
To learn more, read the article on user management.
Managing a group's permissions
To define which albums a group has access to from the "Groups" screen, hover the mouse over the group and click on "Manage permissions".
The screen that opens shows the private albums this group has access to on the left, and those it doesn't have access to on the right. By default, when creating a group, all albums are forbidden.
To allow members of a group to view albums, simply move the forbidden albums to the "Authorized" column using the arrows.
To set the authorized groups for a specific album, you can also go through the album list and the album editor. The Permissions tab lets you set which groups are allowed to view the album when editing it.
Learn more about permissions on albums
Renaming a group
To rename a user group from the group list, click on the pen-shaped icon next to its name, edit the name, and click on the orange icon to save your changes.
Duplicating a group
To gain time when creating a user group, you can duplicate an existing group. To do this, click on the 3 dots in the top right corner of a group in the group list and click on "Duplicate".
Then, a copy of this group is created: you only need to rename and edit it.
Deleting a group
To delete a group in the group list, click on the 3 dots in the top right corner of a group and click on "Delete".
To delete multiple groups, activate selection mode by clicking on the "Selection mode" button in the top right corner of the screen.
Next, you can tick the list of groups to delete, and click on "Delete".
Choosing a new user group associated with new users by default
You can set a group that will automatically be associated with all newly created users.
To do this, click on the 3 dots in the top right corner of a group in the group list, then click on "Set as group for new users".
Merging user groups
In the group list, you can merge multiple groups into one.
To do this, click on the "Selection mode" button in the top right corner of the screen.
You can then tick the list of groups to merge.
You can choose which group to keep in the drop-down list on the right: all users of the other groups will be added to the target group, and all other groups will be deleted.